They're so many definitions and conclusions as to what greatness is, however true greatness is fully utilising the gifts you're being given and using it to the full manifestation to fulfill purpose.
With Abraham's obedience and step of faith, His greatness was confirmed and visible round-about the world. (Gen24:1)
Now let's look at the 8 steps to greatness
1. Self discipline;
This basically means controlling yourself.
The secret to your greatness is determined by your daily agenda.
You cannot have a bad attitude and encourage others at the same time.
Learning to say yes or no at the expense of your happiness is greatness.
2. Divine wisdom;
According to Solomon wisdom is the principle thing in Life, if you don't have wisdom then your at the peak of distruction.
Divine wisdom is beyond the psychology of man, it's supernatural, it can only come from God, just ask Him He'll give you.
You want to be great you need the wisdom from men and from God.
3. Moderation;
The great book said let your moderation be made known unto all men.
For you to be great as God planned, then moderation should reflect in every area of your Life, viz:
- Speech; Apostle Paul said the tongue is like a deadly poison so we should tame it.
Solomon Continued by saying in similitude, that the tongue houses Life and death.
Who you want to be or anticipate to become is seen in your words.
Listen more and talk less.
- Appearance; The way your dressed is the way your addressed is a saying we know but many cannot fathom the efficacy and weight of that statement.
You cannot be great when your endowments are visibly conspicuous, why because they want to trend and be famous.
Don't pretend to be who you're not, be who your are and dress up.
4. Commit yourself to a worthy goal;
I said in one of my pages on this blog if you can go check it out, I said a dream written down becomes a goal a goal that is broken down into steps becomes a plan and a plan that is backed up with an action becomes a reality.
You can predict the future by creating it.
5. Avoid procrastination
One of the greatness killers of greatness is procrastination, avoid it!.
Successful people make right decisions early and manage them daily
The only adequate preparation for tomorrow is the right use of today.
Decisions helps you start, discipline helps you finish.
6. Find someone positive in every situation
Who you associate with can either mar you or make you, therefore make the right choice.
Nothing helps a person to remain positive like having an ally.
7. Create your own true visions;
It is rather unfortunate that many people live other people's lives.
Many live based on others expectations and that make's a person stay stuck in a particular place or position.
Live your dream, do what makes you happy as long as it doesn't hurt the other person.
8. Stay persistent;
If your working hard and there seem to be bumps on the road don't give up.
The only way beyond your current situation is through it
The great book said after you've suffered for a while He'll establish and make you perfect.
Suffering and persecution is inevitable, no one is beyond it. You may have all the money in the world and still suffer something.
All the steps you've seen above, inclusively; you must read, study and meditate.
I once told some group of persons I was teaching that the best way to learn is ask your elders how they lived thier lives, what was their mistakes and successess and learn from their experience.
Note: The Price of greatness is responsibility and humility.
We're all Destined to be great in different areas, form and capacity. Discover the pattern for which God wants you to be great and fit in.
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Author - Richard Banigo.