Today matters
People create success in their lives by focusing on today. It may sound trite, but today is the only time you have. It's too late for yesterday. And you can't depend on tomorrow. That's why today matters. Most of the time we miss that. Why? Because....
We overexaggerate yesterday
Our past successes and failures often look bigger to us in hindsight than they really were. Some people never get over their past accomplishments. The person who receives a patient for an invention might live off the proceeds for the rest of his life and never work another day.
"It may sound trite, but today is not only time you have, it's too late for yesterday. And you can't depend on tomorrow. Thats why today matter"
Don't cuddle and overexaggerate yesterday's events, failures or archivements, cause yesterday ended last night.
We underestimate today
Have you really thought about today, today is the only time we have within our grasp, yet many people let it slip through their fingers. They recognize neither today's value nor it's potential.
"The lifebuilder Creed"
Today is the most important day of my life Yesterday with it's successses and victories, Struggles and failures.
It's gone forever
The past is past
I cannot relieve it. I cannot go back and change it but you will learn from it and improve my today.
Today. This moment. Now.
Its God's gift to me and it is all that i have .
Tomorrow with all its joy and sorrows, triumphs and troubles isn't here yet.
Instead, tomorrow may never come.
Therefore, i will not worry about tomorrow.
Today is what God has entrusted to me its all that i have.
I will do my best in it. I will demonstrate the best of me in it - my character, giftedness, and abilities- to my family and friends.
I will identify those things that are most important to do today,
And when this day is done i will look back with satisfaction at that which i have accomplished.
Then, and only then, will i plan my tomorrow.
Looking to improve upon today with God's help.
Then i shall go to sleep in peace.
Poem by Dale witherington
Successful people make right decisions and manage thoss decisions daily.