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Showing posts with the label Do you pay your tithe?

What does the Bible say about tithe?

 T ithing in the Bible Tithing and giving money to the church is an important subject to understand for followers of Jesus. Many wonder, “Where does it say to tithe in the Bible?” Others ask if it’s even necessary to give to the local church and if so, how much? Questions abound on the subject. Understanding the concept of tithing can unlock a key for spiritual growth in a person’s life. Tithing can be a source of joy and freedom. But, tithing is also a commonly misunderstood Christian concept. Confusion on the subject can lead to mistrust of the church. These misunderstandings can lead some to believe the church  only  cares about money. So, it’s essential to understand  what  the Bible says about tithing to help answer those who wonder, “Where does it say to tithe in the Bible?” What is Tithing? Tithing  is a term commonly used today to mean setting aside a certain amount of one’s income for God. Typically a tithe refers to a tenth of one’s income because...