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4 types of men


This topic is suitable for youths anticipating and exploring life's amenities, prior to them discovering who they really are and choose to be.

4 types of men 

1. A boy
2. A player
3. A confused man
4. A real man

A boy 
A boy will always be a boy regardless of his age. Growing up and growing old is never the same. Growing old is mandatory but growing up is optional and by choice. 
You could be 40yrs and still behave like a boy.
A boy cares less about what makes you happy as a woman.
They are not ready to take responsibilities.
He will be concerned about his mode of dressing than his character.
A boy is loosed; he talks too much.
It is very difficult to talk to a boy since his always right.

A player
No matter how much effort you invest in a relationship with a player, it's most likely to end in vain. 
A player is smart but wicked, selfish and inconsiderate and will never be faithful as a friend.
Most women tend to fall for players because they're always looking attractive and presentable. They can be Rich, famous, tall, handsome, remote etc.
He could sweep off your feet and make you believe you're the luckiest woman alive.

A confused man
The problem with a confused man is he doesn't know what he wants.
For the woman he could cherish you, be close to you, give you all you need but will never propose to you rather they will give excuses.
Not only in relationships but their life as a whole.
They're just meticulously confused.
Endurance with a man that is confused can be risky and a complete waste of time.

One of life's greatest mistakes is to embark on a journey with someone who's not going anywhere In life.

A real man
A real man works and live by priorities and discipline.
He's a grown up and a matured man regardless of his age. He is ready to commit, and be faithful.
A real man possesses strength, courage, Independence, leadership and above all willing to take responsibilities.
He's responsible and trustworthy.
Real men don't make promises they make commitments.
He can laugh with you and cry with you.
They're rare to find, if you're opportuned to meet them don't loose them.

As a man aspiring to be great, know and identify the characteristics you possess and make changes if need be.



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